SL. No. Title Content Document
1 Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Reports

 Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Reports – all the editions since 2007. I am the founder editor of this publication since 2007. You will find several articles on MGC since 2007. It has a publication section at the end which presents the list of publications on Mekong subregion.

2 MGC Report

MGC Report which was launched in 2017. This is the first MGC that was published by us in 2017.

3 MGC Policy Dialogue

We organised the first policy dialogue on MGC at Delhi in 2017. The agenda is attached.

4 MGC Outcome Document

Outcome document of the policy dialogue is attached.

5 ERIA Report

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Report on the extension of IMT Trilateral Highway.

6 Under MGC PoA 2019-24, Organising a training program on preparation of feasibility studies and detailed project reports for highway projects

12 days training programme for 20 participants., 5 each from CLMV Countries participated in the training program organised by IAHE from 25/9/2023 to 7/10/2023.




7 Under MGC PoA 2019-24- Organising a Workshop on sustainable fisheries and dairy by Fisheries Science/Animal Science Division, ICAR

 Report prepared by the participants from Vietnam on 14 days training programme for 24 participants, 6 each from CLMV  organised at CIFRI Kolkata from 6th December 2023 to 19th December 2023.

8 Under MGC PoA 2019-24- Organising Training programs and workshops on community farming and water resource management

21 day Training programme from 20/11/23 to 10/12/2023 organised  by NERIWLM Assam for                                                       

19 participants,  4 each from CLMV and 3 from Thailand .      


9 Under MGC PoA 2019-24, Organising Indian Food Festival

Report from Myanmar on organising the Indian Food Festival at Yangon and Mandalay on 23rd and 24th February 2025

10 Indian Food Festival organised by our Mission in Myanmar under MGC PoA 2019-24

Press Reports

11 Under MGC PoA 2019-24, Organising training and scholarship programs on national accounts statistics and large scale socio-economic sample surveys

14 days training programme for 20 participants, 5 each from CLMV Countries organised from 11th March 2024

to 22nd March 2024.“at NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEMS TRAINING ACADEMY (NSSTA) Greater Noida.                                         

12 Under MGC PoA, Workshop on preservation of rice germplasm and productivity enhancement through mechanization by Crop Science Division ICAR

14 days training programme for 24 participants, 6 each from CLMV organised from 27/01/2024 to 10/02/2024

at Indian Agricultural Research institute (IARI) New Delhi